2018 - Jelena Mačvan

subota, 15. prosinca 2018.

Free Shipping & 12/12 Sales Promotion From DressLily

Coupon: 12DL12  

DressLily is a global fashion online shopping site, selling Fashion Dresses, Home Decoration and Accessories. Recently, DressLily reached me via email, stated that they are offering an up to 90% off discount and free shipping for any price range instead of Free shipping above $39. It is right at the moment, I was frustrated because I want special Christmas decoration from others, and I assume that people may wonder how’s the quality when are they’re relatively cheap, then I decided to give it a shot. The shipping is mailed quickly, which is faster than similar kinds of sites. The moment I got my package, I realized I have to share my experiences with everyone.

DressLily not only provided a 25% off coupon and apply free shipping to World Wide. But also a celebrated activity for 12/12, two purchase for $19.99 by any of the following products. These promotions are only available between 12th -17th Dec. Personally, I do not usually online shopping from an email advertisement, whereas DressLily gave me a great experience of online shopping at a reasonable price!

Here is what I purchased from DressLily.com and can’t wait to try them because they are so cute! I am going to stop writing here because I really need to outline how to decorate my house with the Christmas items I got from them.

Overall Rating
  • Service: pastedGraphic_1.png
  • Delivery: pastedGraphic_1.png
  • Quality: pastedGraphic_1.png

        $17.8  $15.3                                   $14.05  $11.55
Recommend Rating ★★★★★                       Recommend Rating ★★★★


Sleeveless Tartan Skater Dress                           Vintage Printed Flare Dress            
     $14.05  $11.55                                    $21.36  $16.36

Recommend Rating ★★★★                          Recommend Rating ★★★★

srijeda, 22. kolovoza 2018.


Hello everyone, here is my new bag, I'm so in love with it. 
Let me know what do you think about it.
Read whole text so you can use codes for discount.💖

Some affordable sport items you can select: https://www.zaful.com/activewear-e_78/?lkid=14812445

Zaful Unconditional Refund with Quality, Non-received, Size Issue within 24 Hours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjKO6wfDAVY
Here are some codes, so you can use it for some discount:

Use code " ZFAnniversary " for all order with over 25USD save 3USD 

Use code"ZFAnniversary"  for all order with over 50USD save 6USD

Use code " ZFAnniversary" for all order with over 100USD save 12USD 

Please note: Each customer could only use each coupon for three times.

ponedjeljak, 16. srpnja 2018.



Belted Casual Dress

It's time to refresh your wardrobe! DressLily prepare the best high-quality but low-prices products for you, make you free under all occasion for Monday to Friday

 And here we prepared for you some codes for the discount:

Use code  "DLAnniversary" for all order with over 25USD save 3USD 

Use code  "DLAnniversary"  for all order with over 50USD save 6USD

Use code  "DLAnniversary"  for all order with over 100USD save 12USD

nedjelja, 15. srpnja 2018.

Fashionable Woman dress


Here are some links that you need to check, take a look:

Zaful Unconditional Refund with Quality, Non-received, Size Issue within 24 Hours : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjKO6wfDAVY

Here are codes for some amazing discount, check it out!

Use code " ZFAnniversary " for all order with over 25USD save 3USD 
Use code "ZFAnniversary"  for all order with over 50USD save 6USD
Use code " ZFAnniversary" for all order with over 100USD save 12USD 

Please note: Each customer could only use each coupon for three times.

ponedjeljak, 18. lipnja 2018.


Hey people I just wanted to share with you that ZAFUL has some great news for all of us who like to buy on their site. They celebrate their   Zaful 4th Anniversary and there  are some sale promotion. So go on their site and catch some amazing clothes, accessories, swimsuits..

Here we prepared for you some great  code discount so check it out!

Use code " ZFAnniversary " for all order with over 25USD save 3USD 

Use code"ZFAnniversary"  for all order with over 50USD save 6USD

Use code " ZFAnniversary" for all order with over 100USD save 12USD 

Please note: Each customer could only use each coupon for three times.

Free Shipping Worldwide, Shop from $5.99, Coupon up to $40, ect... Enjoy Zaful 4th 

Zaful Unconditional Refund with Quality, Non-received, Size Issue within 24 Hours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjKO6wfDAVY


ponedjeljak, 26. veljače 2018.


četvrtak, 11. siječnja 2018.

GOLDEN ROSE noviteti

Moram da priznam da već neko vreme isprobavam novitete Golden Rosea obzirom da su nedavno izbacii novu Metals kolekciju, tako da sve što vam ovde pokažem već možete pronaći u našim drogerijama.

Prvi proizvod koji mi je naročito privukao pažnju jeste nova kontur paleta.
Na slici ispod možete pogledati koliko je pigmentovana.

A sad nešto više o njoj. Uvek sam skeptična kada su u pitanju ovakvi proizvodi 3 u 1, pogotovo kada se radi o bronzerima. Mogu vam reći da je ovo proizvod koji koristim svaki dan od momenta kako mi je stigao. Ono što je meni važno jeste da je samo pakovanje kompaktno,nije glomazno i idealno je za put, sa mnom je već obišao nekoliko zemalja!!

1.bronzer je savršen za utopljavanje lica, ne daje narandzasti odsjaj i na koži se lepo blenda
2.hajlajter je za mene pravo otkriće i favorit kada je ova paleta u pitanju, dovoljno je malo da vam lice dobije svež izgled
3.rumnilo je savršeno za dveni mejkap

Drugi proizvod je tečni hajlajter.

Ovo je bio moj prvi susret sa tečnim hajlajterom, i mogu vam reći i prva ljubav sa ovim tipom proizvoda. Boja je topla, savršena za devojke sa tamnijim tenom, a za noćnu šminku dobitna kombinacija. Budite pažljivi jer ovog proizvoda vam ne treba puno da biste zablistale!

Naredni I poslednji ali ne manje važan je iluminator.

Sjajna stvar za osobe sa suvom kožom! Nanosila sam ga pre pudera, ali takodje i kao hajlajter. Ne znam šta mi se više dopada. Pre pudera ga nanosim isključivo za dnevnu šminku kada želim da moje lice i koža izgledaju blistavo, a kao hajlajter ga koristim kada stavljam kremaste konture jer se onda savršeno ublenda sa ostatkom šminke!

A kako sam ja koristila ove proizvode pogledajte OVDE

Da li ste pobale neke od ovih proizvoda? Kako vam se dopadaju?

S ljubavlju,