Crno,svedeno i pre svega pristojno, obožavam haljine
ovog tipa. Jako mi je važno da dužina haljine bude do kolena ili malo iznad jer
smatram da to daje odredjenu dozu elegancije svakom outfitu,tj. Haljini.
Haljina koju sam izabrala je sa sajta Gamiss kojom sam
oduševljena jer ispunjava sve ono što ja tražim od ovog tipa outfita. Prijatna je,
lagana, i mislim da stoji bukvalno svakom tipu gradje,a posebno
devojkama-ženama koje imaju veće grudi.
slike i kažite mi šta mislite :)
Black, reduced and above all decent, I love this type of dresses. For me It's very important that the length of the dress is up to your knees or just above because I think it gives a certain dose of elegance to any outfit-Dress.
The dress I chose is from
Gamiss from the website that I am thrilled because all what I'm looking for from this type of outfits. Pleasant, light, and I think it stands literally every type of physique, and particularly girls – women that have bigger breasts.
Take a look and tell me what you think :)
Cipele : Replay |
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