nedjelja, 19. veljače 2017.


Hello everyone,
when I started to write my experience about this products,I relized that I need to write whole story about changing my skin. 6 months of life in the USA changed my skin a lot, before that I had dry to normal skin, but after the USA,my skin became super oily. I had big pores, large pimples on my neck, also I had eczema skin. I was helpless...

Ćao svima,
kada sam počela da pišem moje iskustvo sa ovim proizvodima,shvatila sam da prvo treba da vam napišem celokupnu priču o menjanju tipa moje kože. Šest meseci boravka u Americi je doprinelo tome da mi se koža promeni iz korena, pre toga sam imala suvu do normalnu kožu,međutim nakon Amerike ona je postala izrazito masna.. Moje pore su bile proširene,imala sam velike bubuljice po vratu,i takođe velike lišaje. Osećala sam se bespomoćno..

Everything what I knew that I have to chage my lifestyle, eat clean food, without sugar, sweets, and more exercise, because I knew that I have to throw out the toxins from my body. A lot of junkie food caused that my skin chage from dry to oily.

Sve što sam znala jeste da treba da promenim način života i da se vratim starom režimu zdrave ishrane,bez šećera, slatkiša,i dosta vežanja ,jer sam znala da ću samo tako da pročistim svoj organizam i svoju kožu.

When I lended to Amsterdam airport, I went to beauty store and bought some Clarins products,that women who worked there recommended to me,I was distrustful..

When I tried Gentle Foaming Cleanser with tamarind and purifying micro-pearls I was excited because my skin was straighter,and my blackheads was smaller. In the user manual it says that it should be used twice a day,  honestly for the first time in my life I follow all the rouls. After cleanser I used  Toning Lotion with Iris,and it's alcohol free! The smell- is so amazing, for someone its strong but I just love it!!! It hydrates my skin and smoothes the skin, feeling is so amazing after lotion. 

Kada sam sletela u Amsterdam otišla sam u prodavnicu sa kozmetikom i kupila neke Clarinsove proizvode,koje mi je preporučila žena koja tamo radi, bila sam dosta sumnjičava..
Kada sam probala Gentle Foaming Cleanser koji je ustvari neka vrsta tonika koji čisti lice i koji utljate pa potom isperete vodom, bila sam iznenađena jer mi je koža u momentu postala ravnija ,moji mitiseri su bili manji. U uputstvu piše da se koriti dva puta dnevno i iskreno to je bio prvi put da sam sledila pravila. Posle  Cleanser-a koristila sam Tonirani Losion sa mirisom Irisa,koji pored toga što predivno miriše,hidrira kožu i umiruje je,a i osećaj je zaista neverovatan.

You can find it in Sephora in various packages... So if you have oily to combination skin then this is the right solution for you.💖💕💗

Možete ih naći u Sephora prodavnici u ratličitim veličinama i mililitražama.. Ako imate masnu do kombinovanu kožu,mislim da je ovo pravi izbor,probajte i javite utiske 💖💕💗


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