Why do I love Lancome mascara? - Jelena Mačvan

petak, 10. veljače 2017.

Why do I love Lancome mascara?

Hello everyone,
first of all I want to say that I'm obsessed with this mascara. I saw a lot of bad comments and rewiews about this product,but you know what?-it works on me. I have this mascara for 5 months and I still use it. So,my opinion is that its very profitabile compared to how long I used it,and don't forget to say that I use it every day. It smell like every single Lancôme product(like some strong parfume or somenthing like that).

Zdravo svima,prvo što želim da kažem jeste da sam postala opsednuta ovom maskarom. Videla sam dosta loših komentara i recenzija o ovoj maskari,ali ono što želim da kažem jeste da je ona meni sigurno omiljena. Ovu maskaru imam sigurno više od 5 meseci,stalno je koristim,skoro svakog dana.Izuzetno je skupa,juče sam u Sephori videla da je preko 4000din!!! Ali moje mišljenje je da s obzirom da je koristim toliko dugo-isplati se-4 hiljade a koristim je  5 meseci i duže.Prepoznatljivog je mirisa kao i većina Lancome proizvoda.

I think that this is the cutest tube design, and even the spoolie part is weirdly intriguing. It has a flat side and some widely spaced long spikes all round the other parts,as you can see.
Takođe,zanimljivog je pakovanja,četkica je malo čudnija već ostale,malo je nakrivljena kao što možete videti i dlačice joj idu u spiralu.
This stuff is very black, very volumizing.I was super impressed with the staying power. Also easy to take off. Litteraly, I love it!!
If you have some questions,suggestions,and ideas for the next post,let mi know! Thanks for visiting my blog💖
Don't forget to follow ne on my Instagram profile ' macvanjelena' 💕❤💋

Veoma je crna,daje volumen i produžuje trepavice. Iznenađena sam koliko dugo stoji,ceo dan.
Ako imate neke sugestije,pitanja,komentare i ideje za naredni post,dajte mi na znanje :D
Ne zaboravite da me zapratite na instagramu ' macvanjelena'

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